Whatever you do, it's FiXo.

Work better, faster.

FiXo is built for cloud IT environment, and it provides every infrastructure service that modern IT needs. From an quick-launch virtual machine with support for multi-tenancy, to object storage that can easily sharing from web hosting. All scale distribution allows each cloud service running on internet data center or your hosted cloud. FiXo has everything you need to bring you to the best cloud application.

Support never end.

FiXo provides upgrading and updating cloud solutions from infrastructure as a service to big data analytics, and offers all level of SLA for customer's need. The support of FiXo is localized, one-on-one, quick-response to help out each customer to successfully utilize their demand of FiXo web service.

Our Services.


FiCo is the cloud storage solution of Foxconn IaaS Extreme Solution. You can use FiCo to store


LBS is the cloud storage solution of Foxconn IaaS Extreme Solution.


FiBo is the cloud storage solution of Foxconn IaaS Extreme Solution. You can use FiCo to store


RDS is the cloud storage solution of Foxconn IaaS Extreme Solution. You can use FiCo to store


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